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The Institute organizes various workshops for students to give them edge in technology for their studies and for better learning experiences. A workshop provides the skills and tools necessary for success and also fosters the talents of individuals.

List of various workshops:

Art and Craft Workshop

Art activities are important not because they allowed teachers to recognize children with unusual abilities, but it encourage child full and all sided development. Keeping   this  in mind our institute organize art and craft workshops which develop the creativity among the students, under the able instructor.

First Aid Workshop

First Aid is an important life skill that helps reduce fatalities and enables the faster treatment of injuries. Our Institute organize First aid workshop every year to equip students with basic first aid knowledge and to provide our trainee teachers with skills that will potentially save life and can deal with common injuries in school.

Communication Skills

Well trained teachers develop the communication skills of pupil teachers , conversation classes and group discussions on current issues and organize debates.

Performing Art         

The Performing Art plays a key role in students personal development. It provide students with  many rich opportunities to experience  Art(Dance, Drama & Music) which develops creative, Confident & Capable students who go out into the world and impress others with their abilities and also improves their classroom teaching.

Personality Development         

Our Institution organize Personality Development workshop at regular intervals for trainee teachers in which the facilitator impart personality related information for the development of the organized pattern of behaviors and attitudes to makes a person distinctive.

Font Writing

It is important to improve the handwriting of the students as it is the only way to putting their thoughts into words. Teaching of different fonts to trainee teachers enhance their writing  work in to an appealing and attractive master piece.


Well trained teachers aquaint the pupil teachers with the skills of Information and Communication technology and help in the upward shift in quality of teaching and learning process.



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