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E-mail: contact@rdpsrohini.edu.in



The College has been consistently showing excellent academic record in SCERT examination. Ever since its inception, almost all the students continue to score Ist Division with more than 75%.

* Jyoti Pandey has made the Institute proud by standing at the top position in ECCE final year exam (Session 2016-18) for 28 number of colleges in Delhi.

* Anjali Gupta,Surbhi Dhingra,Shallu Sharma and Taniya Rustagi have bagged amongst first 10 positions of the result declared by SCERT for the Session 2018-19.

*Meenkshi Singh Chauhan has made the Institute proud by standing at the top position in DPSE first year exam (Session 2017-19) for 28 number of colleges in Delhi.

*Dimpy Garg, Nancy and Yashita Sharma have bagged amongst first 10 positions of the result declared by SCERT for the  Session 2018-19.

DPSE Ist Year Session (2017-19)

   ECCE IInd Year Session (2016-18)

ECCE Ist Year Session (2014-16)

ECCE IInd Year Session (2013-15)

ECCE Session (2013-15)

ECCE Session (2012-14)

ECCE Session (2011-13)

ECCE Session (2010-12)

ECCE Session (2009-11)


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